Game Overview
“White Cube” is an adult horror visual novel that artfully combines elements of horror and erotica. The narrative unfolds around two protagonists who find themselves trapped within a mysterious cube. As the story progresses, you will gradually uncover the disturbing and twisted nature of the game they are ensnared in.
What's New
- 170 New FULL HD Renders
- New song
- New Sound Effects (SFX)
Developer Notes
Updates will be released once every 3 weeks as a public release. Small updates can be found on Patreon.
Story progression : 20%
The script is already written, it's just takes time to programming, composing the music and rendering. For who is asking, no, there is not going to be a path branching story.
At times, there may be minor choices to make, but the resulting outcome will only apply to that particular action and how you deem it appropriate for that specific character to behave in that moment.
Installation Guide
- Extract to desired location.
- Click on "WhiteCube.exe" to start playing.